I dont know....
Need not expect answers for all your questions.. Yes, I really don’t know what to say or how to interpret the recent incident in my house and with my father… well, there are so many things which cannot be explained scientifically in this world. The world is too vast to be studied and generalized into one single definition. With my scientific attitude and approach to everything that happens in our daily life, I try to analyze the situations and come to a conclusion normally which I often don’t share with anyone. And there are so many things that has passed in front of my own eyes and I have failed to understand and interpret in a rational way. Yes of course that is the greatest limitation of human beings. Every one looks and perceives the experiences of life in their own way according to their background or influences through which they might have gone. It is something like personally experiencing the great depths of Mariana trench or to see the coelacanth of African seas. No one ...