Happy New Year.......
Happy New Year. Why it is the same excited vague expectations every year?. Yes vague! that is true...what else it can be? then? the unexplained hidden enthusiasm that keeps you dreaming a better, more colourful,vibrant busy...! but... a happy life! through out each passing days, month...lo! there is December itself unfolding into dates ascending in the calendar day after day.And there the much awaited December thirty first sets in. A tickling happenings around you. You are in a state of intoxication of infected expectations as if you are entering entirely unseen and unheard world of fantasies! Tomorrow is the new year....and undying feeling "my whole life will change for the good" New resolutions are made.Tell yourself newly introduced legislation of your life should be applied strictly and adhered to. Make decisions to be workaholic, steady minded disciple.You are drowned in the mirage of imaginary persona! E...