All Animals are Embryo ciders...
There was an argument that egg eaters are vegetarians. The egg eater declared.. and they are non vegetarians argued. A non vegetarian.....But a proud Vegetarian declared that as egg contains embryo of the chick... which in fact a future being and the yolk blood drop...and it is almost killing an animal....bla..bla......etc.... I was silent...for a while... normally I don't take part in this type of senseless ignorant discussion...

But I decided to put my hat in the ring....

All vegetarians or non vegetarians or egg consumers but claimed to be vegetarians...are all embryo eaters....!!! vegetarians were shocked and shot back what nonsense....? fruits, vegetables, grains and pulses are all plant origin... but I said.....what about Milk and its product... ????

 No...that is a different issue and all primates which give birth directly to young ones and hence....that is the food for its calves prepared by mother....!!! argued...the Vegetarian. Without conviction. I corrected him by repeating the same sentence of his.. " that is the food for its calves prepared by mother....." and that is the point...whether it is milk by a cow or a seed or grain by plants, it is always the endosperm a stored food for its embryo...which is essential for its germination and that is life... that means no much difference between the egg and the seed where both are stored food form for their progeny and their future races continuity.... 

 Fish, meat or any other animal source food and any edible part of the plant living species would offer the food for other organisms. Each and every species struggle hard to survive....and the survival is the instinct and guides every animal species to go for the kill....either it is plant (Herbivorous) or other animals( carnivorous) does not matter.... the nature has its own way of balancing the species and the mechanism of the continuity of the ecosystem in total...that is all...

So... think... before taking pride in exposing your ignorance....and remember any truly independent non-violent beings is is only and only the PLANTS....which are strictly the only non violent organisms. Which never depend on any other living organisms,....of course there are exceptions for all the generalizations... that is the secret of nature....


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