When people wish me for “Happy and Prosperous and exciting New Year....” I just wonder... can I expect their wishes to come true? What was my contribution in realising these dreams? A wish of wishful thinking rather, day dreaming.... So I enjoy and get excited when people wish me a regular annual happiness for renewal! Desperately bidding farewell, for not having fared well in the bygone year Just look back the all the twelve months, A month of thirty days, a day of 24 hours....And counted to be in seconds, only for calculation...Can I remember anything that was substantial, When my efforts were as bare as a minimal?...Any deliberate attempt to make it to happen...? Yes... for ever postponing the much needed hard work. Remained for ever selective of the deceptive ideology of indulgence pleasure? And a dream!!!... The dreams of the bright future where I could snore in deep slumber even in the scorching sun! I may now feel that was a I squandered the precious sun with the least concern but never tried to shun.... I could hardly remember anything that was worth mentioning....from my quench my munching thirst? Time is too laboriously long to be remembered in moments of seconds....which at that particular time was too significant and unforgettable... but as the time roles into minutes and hours and days.... everything is bundled and forgotten.....and be an optimistic dreamer to expect to happen bundle of greedy dreams in the coming time.....


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