The Party is on....
The Shouts, screams, swearing and abuses can never escape unheard in this vast field of vacuum. Follow the sounds like the flying foxes with sonar sense and a technique to reach the centre of vibrations to arrest your curiosity. Be careful, though there is light in plenty but vision of humans is limited to dimness. So, tread your way into the oblivion of darkness in the black hole...step by step...Sound gets nearer and nearer. Approach with utmost caution as nothing can be anticipated in this veranda of diversified overcrowded human species unsure of the very space where they breed hate and love....their embrace is of two missing bosom souls or two traditional rival boxers...No...One can say... there is a melody if you give your ear....yes... it is a musical air... but is it song of love or battle cry of hate and victory? Robed ridiculously exuberant with outlandish attires in an unending fashion completion....The human figures are mobile with many significant movements.
It is too difficult to see the faces as the disco dance with a psychedelic lighting set up,where a constant array of light is flashed and forever crosses your eyes and makes you blind even when your eyes are wide opened as the plundered and the looted capital fort. It dims your attention and robs your presence of mind and allows you to go for wild suspicion...It is all a mess.someone is climbing and someone descending, someone jumping someone swimming in the air...someone is crying and somebody is laughing possessed but all are disconnected miserably with a least idea of the presence of the others in the same ward or apothecary......scenes are too wild and frightening here.
Of is chaotic mess out there.....Guards, Wardens, Attendants, Nurses and the barman and the disco player in their unknown branded uniform are constantly keeping the vigil. Nothing should go unruly or inhuman... Yet things go unnoticed many a times even in fatal abortions or homicides. Sometimes for some reasons they are forced to go blind as there is too many atrocities of confusing claims. It is too vast and diversified to see every microscopic detail in fractions of time. It keeps changing ward by ward and table by table. So they helplessly shift their responsibility on to other senior doctors of doctrines! Oh....Yes...Doctors, traders and consumers are also human...And...To err is human....! And all are too are human like rebels and idealists. These are all highly qualified aristocrats...! They think with a conviction...With their own doctorates and scholarships from reputed universities with a fixed and rock solid background of their own soil in foreign lands....They are seated firmly unmoved and fixed like their ego and vanity...Lucky they are colour-blinds...and can hear only with hearing aids as they are selectively deaf also....No...They are not dumb....
So, We bear with utmost anticipation for a better sense to prevail, to dream and to unfold a beautiful saga of humans and their dignity for a descent approach to descend on these pathetic souls...Lunatics or commoners, all share the same auditorium...neither a platform for guests, nor an aisle for the winner nor stage for honourable guests and all the participants...everyone announces they are the winners in the melee on a revolving stage. There are too many with severe case histories of most complex and unique psychological problems where doctors are also performing their roles to treat their patients so efficiently with an excellent coordination that they are also mistaken for the inmates. But be careful.... all are intoxicated with their own addicted brands.....But the party is too join and enjoy....


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