Live as what you are.....!!!!

The vibrations waving over the laryngeal muscular layers can produce only an absurd and croaked sound which are just waves that journey through the space......but never floats in the planet to give a specific meaningful thought or a feeling...words that are scattered carelessly and loosely cannot be a viable bridge to connect the two silent strangers end. conversation disappears into oblivion if the talk is only scientifically acoustical. Even the wordless talk is heard everywhere and echoes in our heart.....
A poet's lyrics is never heard nor adored when his lines are not decorated with the musical melody of rhyming words.... The beautiful hand written manuscript may be worth only for packing if not read or sung aloud....humming may be very soft and melodious but the beauty of words and emotions are mislead and lost.
The ever flowing blood that rushes and crisscross the capillaries to reach the nuke and corner of the body cells which nourishes the cerebrum to think and take emotions of the heart with it in the form of expression...So, expression is not your hand, limb signs and mannerisms nor the tongue.... is never is never displayed, but it lies latent for millions of years in each and every single cell and even the inorganic molecule of our is intense exhibition of animate behaviour...and even other living creatures would understand and comprehend what your existence is all about....
the interaction of the external surroundings and your internal environment could strike a balance specially in your social human harmony...and biotic world in general... the saga of ever mutual interactions of cosmic and the physical constituents of the planet earth, with its solar system and the galaxy, the nebulae and the black hole for millions of years!!!! why? may be billions of years..time is only for us measured by us in relation with the movement of our star...the Sun..Time! may not be infinite in the universe......and that is in scripted and engraved in our body is not a process that was finished overnight...
An outcome of the conflicts and an unheard and unseen competitions without a winner the great and the Super-mega event is being going on even today uninterrupted different era or different ends of the spaces.......there is space beyond space....So..get fascinated and get yourself lost in the dreamy, celestial and incomprehensible dynamic principles of the nature at least....
Discard these man created god and civilisation, culture which is hypocritical,unethical and self-centeredly partial and periodical...and highly ignorant of the mega reality...
The centre of the cerebrum that originates the emotions and feelings is not just a mass of muscular or neuron flesh...the knowledge is not just a reflex arc, any living activity is not mere a reaction of the nervous system. The blood is not a just a viscous fluid that flows in the vessels and capillaries that takes to somatic cells.... but a great transporter of love, kindness, compassion....which are imprinted in the DNA sheets of our genes....The inexplicable absurd heart is not just an organ of transplantation but an experience of life which can never be grafted to others by any surgeons of the world....

The sense organs that respond suitably to the ever fluctuating to both internal and external stimuli.....are not usual receptors of a mechanical sensor.......but an indescribable huge net work of our earth planet, our solar system, the invisible galaxies, nebulae, supernova or even black hole.... that are soldered in the immeasurable time...with an unbreakable molecular and subatomic bond.
A spiritual pursuit need not be a slave of divine philosophy of Gods and angels....there is no formula for yourself liberation. The God is a changes constantly according to place, time, language and on readily available resources....
So...reject that creation of your own lust and greed personified from that strange god and the great dictator responsible for this ugly and miserable world. Never surrender your human identity to the God in your ignorant your awkward position.....
Once.....for once.... for that your God's sake......look around...get fascinated in this unimaginable vast hollow of the space....bow down your head in reverence to the unfolding real beauty....surrender humbly with humiliation to the unconquered might of humble in your limitations......diffuse into the mysterious and mythical obedient to your human conscious and identity....shrink in simplicity in the situations of most complexities... be an emotional entity in your innocence.... and be ever fearlessly as an admirer and an outsider live and enjoy the unanswered questions.....and mysteries....without obligations... live as you are...and what you are....without being a burden exist till you last.... and excel your life like others and other factors around you.....!!!


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