Believe it or not...? It is none of my concern.....

The urgent needed attention of the humans are not just about their own fellow humans or species, discrimination bla..bla...... and this only human- centric and concerned world is going on for centuries and it goes on forever as long as the instinct of hierarchy in human psyche exists..
Only through slogans for harmonious social existence is beyond reality....whatever and whichever political ideology you follow..and religions of which you may be a fanatic.....All of them have failed to give justice to all, as each claim superiority over others and terrible lack the reality of their own surroundings;....and basically we are all selfish...there is nothing like common or human ideology or one and only ideology....
It is only YOU...around which the whole of your world revolves around you and according to you...which is an absolute nonsense notion..
Political ideologies have proved beyond doubt that they are inept and unscientific and devoid of any idea of all the factors of our environment friendly concept. We don't even think it, as important as that of millions of other organisms around our society including the inanimate...unless that philosophy of all inclusiveness of the universal factors...!! there is no scope for these dramas of present globalisation, leadership, powerful countries and leaders or dominant religions....etc....
Once there was an environment where concept of houses, villages, cities and countries never existed....But we have come too far that nobody on this earth has a solution to end this prevailing chaotic atmosphere...The protectionism of our own land concept has blinded the whole world...Unfortunate......
Unless we go to that basic root.... if a simple realisation of, that we are not special and we are NOT the only ones who are the owners of this entire planet.....but...there are countless and unseen number of silent shareholders this real and natural global market...They do get agitated....only a matter of time for their expression.....


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