Biological survival is the victory of the time….in this colored in culture, robed in religion, tutored in freedom……but enslaved environment….!!!where millions of our cohabitants have completely gone silent for ever….terrified by the special creation of God… surrendered in submissiveness….But I know it is not the final defeat…..Every conqueror is subdued in his defeat in the end…Matter of time….my friends…hold on…..there is justice in nature for ever………and I am waiting..... last..
Dreamy youth....three decade past... Recently, a few days ago Rashmi my cousin had come home. She had a carry bag full of newly bought kannada books. Out of curiosity I just went through the books quite literally assorted books which also contained anthologies of Jayant kaikini published by ankita publications. without my knowledge my hands picked the books of Jayanth and like a reflex action my eyes started focusing on the poems. Rashmi personally told me that I would have the books with me till I complete the reading of the poems as she knew that I had an intimate and a sentimental attachment with jayant. But I wondered at the sensitivity of Rashmi as indeed I had tried to suppress my curiosity and urgency of going through the whole book that night itself. But yet she could see my anxiety and restlessness and offered her help. Present reality.....united at last... It is not that I am a voracious reader or a great lover of literature or poetry, but I am a moderately intere...